Colon polyps and cancer

colon-polypsOrderly cell growth and division are signs of health. Certain gene mutations can make cells continue to divide even when there is no demand for more cells. This uncontrolled growth can lead to the development of polyps in the colon and rectum. Your big intestine might grow polyps everywhere.

Polyps can be divided into nonneoplastic and neoplastic groups. Inflammatory polyps, hamartomatous polyps, and hyperplastic polyps are examples of non-cancerous polyps. The majority of nonneoplastic polyps do not progress to malignancy.

Adenomas and serrated polyps are examples of neoplastic polyps. If given enough time to develop, these polyps have the potential to become cancerous. Adenomas are the most common name for these colon polyps. Depending on how big they are and where they are in the colon, serrated polyps could also develop into cancer. In general, the risk of cancer increases with polyp size, especially with malignant polyps.

Risk factors

  • Age. Colon polyps are most common in persons 50 and older.
  • Family background. If you have a parent, sibling, or kid with colon polyps or cancer, you are more likely to get those conditions yourself. Your risk is increased if a lot of your family members have them. This relationship isn't inherited by some people.
  • Drinking too much alcohol and smoking. Additionally, it appears that drinking alcohol while smoking raises the risk.
  • Obesity, inactivity, and dietary fat. According to studies, each of these things can make you more likely to get polyps. On the other side, increasing your intake of fiber and engaging in regular exercise can lower your risk.
  • Race. Colon cancer is more likely to affect Black Americans.


  • Adopt healthy habits.
  • Consult your physician about calcium and vitamin D intake.
  • In case you're in high danger, think about your options.

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